Simon Tulloch

Chefkonsulent, psykolog / Senior Advisor

Psykolog og chefkonsulent. Fokus på psykologisk tryghed og forandringens psykologi. Ansvarlig for forskning, undervisning og forbedringsarbejde.

Simon har klinisk-, forsknings-  og lederskabsviden inden for sundhedsområdet, der går tilbage over to årtier.

Efter primært at have arbejdet med mentale sundhedstjenester og forskning, fokuserer Simons nuværende interesser på kvalitetsforbedring, psykologisk tryghed og psykologien bag forandring i sundhedsvæsenet.

I 2011 hjalp han, som en del af et lederteam, med at lede en stor NHS mental sundhed- og samfundspleje gennem betydelige organisatoriske og kulturelle forandringer. Arbejde, der er internationalt anerkendt.

I 2016 blev han inviteret til Danmark for at lede et 4-årigt nationalt forbedringsprojekt på tværs af psykiatriske tilbud.

I de sidste tre år har han primært fokuseret på at forstå den rolle psykologisk tryghed spiller i leveringen af ​​sikker sundhedspleje af høj kvalitet. Simon er i øjeblikket beskæftiget med forskning på Hvidovre Hospital, hvor han udforsker betydningen af psykologisk tryghed for personale, der er engageret i organisationsændringer på Akutafdelingen. Simon er gæsteforelæser ved Københavns Universitet og Århus Universitet, er medformand for Mental Health Improvement Network og er inviteret til at tale ved en række nationale og internationale arrangementer.

Simon has clinical, research and leadership knowledge in the field of healthcare dating back over two decades.

Having primarily worked in mental health services and research, his current interests focus on quality improvement, psychological safety, and the psychology of change in healthcare.

In 2011, as part of a leadership team, he helped lead a large NHS mental health and community care service through significant organisational and cultural change. Work which has been internationally recognised.

In 2016 he was invited to Denmark to lead a 4-year national improvement project across inpatient psychiatric services.

In the last three years he has primarily focused on understanding the role psychological safety plays in the delivery of safe and high-quality health care. Simon is currently engaged in research at Hvidovre Hospital exploring the role of psychological safety for staff engaged in organisational change in the Emergency Department. Simon is a guest lecturer at Copenhagen University and Arhus University, is the co-chair the Mental Health Improvement Network and has been invited to speak at a variety of national and international events.


  • 2011–2016 Chef for kvalitetsresultater og -erfaring / Head of Quality Outcomes and Experience, East London NHS Foundation Trust
  • 2008–2011 Forsknings- og udviklingsmearbejder / Research and Development Officer, Unit for Social and Community Psychiatry, Queen Mary University
  • 2004–2008 Forsker og projektleder / Researcher and Project Lead, Royal College of Psychiatrists, Research Unit
  • 2003–2004 Adolescent Team Manager, New Islington & Hackney Housing Association
  • 2001-2003 Mental Health Support Worker, New Islington & Hackney Housing Association
  • 1999–2001 Adolescent Case Worker, Bina Gardens (Homeless) Adolescent Services, Capital Housing


  • 2022 (present) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Københavns Universitet / University of Copenhagen
  • 2018 Masterclass in Behavioural Economics, inudgeyou, Copenhagen
  • 2016 Quality Improvement Coach – Institute of Healthcare Improvement, Boston
  • 2015 Improvement Science in Action – Institute of Healthcare Improvement, Boston
  • 2004 – 2009 *Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) – Institute for Psychiatry, Kings College London
  • 2000 – 2003 Masters (MSc) Health Psychology – Westminster University
  • 2000 Solution Focused Brief Therapy (Individuals & Groups) – The Centre for Solution Focused Practice, London 1995 – 1998       Bachelor of Science (BSc, Hons) Psychology – Coventry University

Udvalgte publikationer

  • Tulloch, S & Dieckmann, P. (2022) Psykologisk tryghed, et perspektiv på patientsikkerhed (Kapitel). Patientsikkerhed, UTH og Risikostyring. Grundbog og sundhedsprofessionalle. FADL’s FORLAG
  • Dieckmann, P., Tulloch, S., Dalgaard, A. E. & Varming, K., (2022) Psychological safety during the test of new work processes in an emergency department: BMC Health Services Research. 307.
  • Tulloch, S & Ingerslev, K. (2021) Betydningen af psykologisk tryghed blandt ledere i sundhedsvæsenet under covid-19 (Kapitel). Hvad har coronakrisen lært os om kvalitet og patientsikkerhed i sundhedsvæsenet? Håb er ikke en strategi, Nogle er ikke et antal.  Snart er ikke tidspunkt.
  • Tulloch, S, & Sandreva, T. (2020) Rapid Response: Mind the gap; rapid implementation of telehealth should also include a system to report and learn from errors. BMJ, 368.
  • Kaselionyte, J., Dirik, A., Tulloch, S., Priebe, S., & Giacco, D. (2016). Psychosis seminars: An open forum for service users, carers and professionals. BJPsych Open, 2(5), 330-334.
  • Reynolds, L. M., Davies, J., Mann, B., Tulloch, S., Nidsjo, A., Hodge, P., Maiden, N. & Simpson, A. (2016). StreetWise: developing a serious game to support forensic mental health service users’ preparation for discharge: a feasibility study. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.
  • Nicaise, P., Tulloch, S., Dubois, V., Matanov, A., Priebe, S., & Lorant, V. (2013) Using Social Network Analysis for Assessing Mental Health and Social Services Inter-Organisational Collaboration: Findings in Deprived Areas in Brussels and London. Adm Policy Mental Health, Jul;40(4):331-9.
  • Priebe, S., Matanov, A., Tulloch, S., & Gaddini, A. (2012) Mental health-care provision for marginalized groups across Europe: findings from the PROMO study. European J Public Health, Feb;23(1):97-103.
  • Tulloch, S., & Priebe, S. (2010) Population-based indices for the funding of mental health care: a review and implications. Journal of Public Mental Health, 9 (2), 15-22.
  • Fitch, C., Chaplin, R., & Tulloch, S. (2009) The Debt and Mental Health Evidence Form (DMHEF): a study to develop question content and instrument format. Psychiatric Bulletin, 34: 95-100.
  • Meenaghan, A., O’Herlihy, A., Durand, M., Farr, H., Tulloch, S., & Lelliott, P. (2007) A 55kg Paper Mountain: The impact of new research governance and ethics processes on mental health services research in England. Journal of Mental Health, 16(1): 149- 155
  • Tulloch, S., Lelliott, P., Bannister, D., Andiappan, M., O’Herlihy, A., Beecham, J., & Ayton, A. (2006) Costs, Outcomes and Satisfaction for Inpatient for Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Services (COSI-CAPS). Report for NHS Service Delivery and Organisation (SDO). Tulloch, S., Lynam-Smith, A., Williams, D & Towell, T.  (1999) Preconscious priming of an acute pain response. Proceedings of the British Psychological Society, 13 (1) 73.