Hele programmet er ikke offentliggjort endnu, så der kommer løbende nye præsentationer og experiences days til. Programmet kan også findes på International Forums hjemmeside.
Tirsdag d. 28. april:
Experiences days (9-17)
- Experience Day 1 (EX1): Systematic approach to patient safety during the last 10 years (Nordsjællands Hospital) – Se programmet for EX1
- Experience Day 2 (EX2): Health Care on the Brink of a 4th Industrial Revolution? (Medicon Valley – the Hub for Life Science) – Se programmet for EX2
- Experience Day 3 (EX3): How do volunteers play a role in the health services? (Sjællands Universitetshospital og Roskilde Festival) – Se programmet for EX3
- Experience Day 4 (EX4): Safe perinatal care and health in the Early Years across the healthcare continuum – (Copenhagen University Hospital, Hvidovre Hospital og Hvidovre Kommune) – Se programmet for EX4
- Experience Day 5 (EX5): The Danish journey in acute care – from helicopters to home (Copenhagen Emergency Medical Services (CAMES) og Herlev Hospital) – Se programmet for EX5
- Experience Day 6 (EX6): Healing architecture and mental health (Slagelse psykiatriske hospital) – Se programmet for EX6
- Experience Day 7 (EX7): Using a new quality concept and QI to improve community services (Greve municipality) Se programmet for EX7
Danske præsentationer (09-12:30)
- M4: Co-producing improvements in experience and quality: the WHY and the HOW, Vibeke Rischel, vicedirektør, Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed
Danske præsentationer (13.30-17.00)
- M8: Striving for seamless patient pathways across sector boundaries in the Central Jutland Health Cluster (CJHC). Experience a collaborative health service system that has gone far! Midtklyngen; repræsentanter fra Skive Kommune, Silkeborg Kommune, Viborg Kommune og Hospitalsenhed Midt, Region Midtjylland.
Onsdag d. 29. april
Danske præsentationer (08:00-08:45)
- EN1: Reducing overcrowding and improving flow, Stine Rasmussen, specialkonsulent, Regionshospitalet Randers
Danske præsentationer (11:00-12:15)
- A3: Population health improvement: the Health Improvement Alliance Europe journey, Kristine Binzer, lægefaglig konsulent, Broen til bedre sundhed, Region Sjælland
Danske præsentationer (11:00-12:30)
- A8: The Danish Way:
- Improving diagnostic safety in Danish healthcare: Learning from compensable patient injuries, Charlotte Frendved, kommunikationskonsulent, Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed
- Teaching doctors to listen. Live patient storytelling in communication skills courses, Katrine Kirk, patientambassadør
- Co-creating patient safety with patients and families – possibilities and pitfalls, Ivar G. Petersen, patientambassadør og Perle Darsø, overlæge, Region Hovedstaden
- Improving quality in cancer patient pathways using evidence and data, Erik Jakobsen, overlæge, RKKP
- A9: Co-production and beyond: patients leading the way:
- Promising take off and high-flying with ambitions – towards an actively user involving organization, Lone Holm, programleder, Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen, Tina Blichfeldt, brugerrepræsentant, Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen; Denmark
Danske præsentationer (13:30-14:30)
- B8: Trust and quality measurement – the Nordic way!,
Jens Winther Jensen, Direktør, RKKP
Danske præsentationer (15:00-16:00)
- C3: Putting it into practice: applying the model for safe and reliable care
- Part A: Does it fit? Adapting IHI framework for safe, reliable and effective care, Inge Ulriksen, chefkonsulent, Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed
- Part B: An organisation’s journey to deliver whole system safety and high reliability, Vibeke Rischel, vicedirektør, Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed
Torsdag d. 30. april
Danske præsentationer (11:00-12:15):
- D2: Transforming flow using Real Time Demand and Capacity Management
- Part B: Safe Patient Flow– implementation of Real Time Demand and Capacity Management at Aarhus University Hospital, Christina Egelund Antonsen, sundhedsfaglig kvalitetskonsulent, Aarhus Universitetshospital
- D3: Improving quality in care homes: examples from Denmark
- Part A: The Copenhagen way of implementing the Model for Improvement in care homes, Simon Heering, specialkonsulent, Københavns Kommune,
Danske præsentationer (11:00-12:30):
- D9: What your patient is thinking – 4 models for listening to patient feedback
- Part A: How do we listen to patients, Mette Storm Elner, formand for patientforum på Sjællands Universitetshospital
Danske præsentationer (13:15-14:30):
- E4: Shared decision making
- Part A: No decision about me without me – Shared Decision Making in a Danish context, Karina Dahl Steffensen, Center for Shared Decision Making, Sygehus Lillebælt, Karina Olling, Center for Shared Decision Making, Sygehus Lillebælt, Mona Muusmann Petersen, Vejle Hospital;
- Part B: Sustainable implementation of Patient involvement – complex interventions for professionals to overcome, Lisbeth Kallestrup, Læge og programchef for patientinvolvering, Aarhus Universitetshospital
- E6: Technology innovation lab
- Part A: DiabetesFlex: A fresh idea to improve patient involvement and quality of care by use of a PRO-based telehealth system, Annesofie Lunde Jensen, Aarhus Universitetshospital, Steno Diabetes Centre Aarhus,Flemming Jensen, Patientrepræsentant
- E7: Social prescribing for mental health: co-creating care with the third sector
- Bodil Elgaard Andersen, chefkonsulent, Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed og Annelene Højvang Larsen, kommunikationskonsulent, Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed