Annelene Højvang Larsen

Kommunikationschef / Head of Communications

Presse, strategisk kommunikation, kampagner, kommunikation i forbedringsarbejde, sociale medier, digital journalistik.

Som kommunikationschef har Annelene det faglige ansvar for kommunikation i Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed, herunder strategi, planlægning, koordinering og pressekontakt. Dertil kommer opgaver som udvikling af hjemmeside, undervisning i kommunikation som del af forbedringsarbejdet, oplæg på danske og internationale konferencer, planlægning af kampagner m.m. Hun har mere end 13 års erfaring med journalistik og kommunikationsarbejde i interesseorganisationer og har været ansat i Dansk Selskab for Patientsikkerhed siden 2018.

With an MA in Journalism Annelene Højvang Larsen has been engaged in strategic communications for over 13 years with a range of different organisations. As Head of Communications at the Danish Society for Patient Safety she is responsible for leading the information and communication strategy which includes: press, social media, website, information coordination and planning.

She is teaching healthcare professionals about using communications as a primary driver in quality improvement, as well as how to involve patients and citizens in improvement work. She has experience of speaking at various Danish and international conferences such as the BMJ & IHI International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare.

  • 2014-2018 Kommunikationskonsulent hos KFUM og KFUK i Danmark / Communications Consultant at YMCA and YWCA Denmark
  • 2010-2014 Journalist og webredaktør hos Forbrugerrådet Tænk / Journalist and Web Editor at the Danish Consumer Council
  • 2014 Cand. Public., Syddansk Universitet / MA in Journalism, University of Southern Denmark
  • 2010 BA i Journalistik, Syddansk Universitet