Dorte Lee

Specialkonsulent / Special advisor

Forbedringsarbejde, dokumentation, hospital at home-netværk, borgerinvolvering, kontaktperson for patientambassadørerne.

Dorte er tovholder for det landsdækkende netværk om hospitalsbehandling i hjemmet.

Hun er kontaktperson for patientambassadørerne og understøtter og underviser i borger/patient- og pårørende involvering i forbedringsarbejde.

Som konsulent arbejder Dorte generelt med forbedringer i kommunale sammenhænge. Særlige fokusområder for Dorte: kvalitet og forenkling af dokumentationen i ældreplejen, Medicinsikre botilbud, borgerinddragelse.

Dorte is the facilitator for the nationwide network on hospital treatment at home.

She is the contact person for the patient ambassadors and supports and teaches citizen/patient and relative involvement in improvement work.

As Adviser Dorte generally works with improvements in municipal contexts. Special focus areas for Dorte: quality and simplification of documentation in care for the elderly, Medicine-safe housing, citizen involvement.


  • 2019 Projektleder, Horsens Kommune / Project Manager, Horsens municipallity
  • 2017 Klinisk underviser og ergoterapeut, Horsens kommune / Clinical Supervisor and Occupational therapist, Horsens municipality
  • 2005 Ergoterapeut, Horsens Kommune / Occupational Therapist, Horsens municipality
  • 2004 Ergoterapeut, Århus Kommune / Occupational Therapist, Aarhus municipality


  • 2021 Forbedringscoach, Dansk Selskab for patientsikkerhed / Improvement Coach, Danish Danish Society for Patient Safety
  • 2019 Forbedringsagent, Dansk Selskab for patientsikkerhed / Improvement Adviser, Danish Society for Patient Safety
  • 2017 Diplom i klinisk undervisning /Clinical Supervisor, VIA University Aarhus
  • 2010 MA i Retorik og formidling, AAU / MA of Rhetoric and Communication, Aarhus University
  • 2004 BA i Ergoterapi, Aarhus / BA of Occupational Therapi, Aarhus