Dorthe Furstrand

Konsulent, læge / Consultant, MD

Sundhedsteknologi og digitalisering, kommunikation og forskning. Uddannet sundhedsinformatiker, PhD i brugerinddragelse

Dorthe er læge med en kandidat i sundhedsinformatik og en ph.d. hvor hun inddrager brugeren i design af digitalstøtte.

Hendes kompetencer og engagement er robust funderet i snitfladen mellem teknologi, innovation og organisation på den ene side og et sundhedsvæsen med en stærk kultur blandt de professionelle og et sundt hverdagsliv for borgeren på den anden.

Hun brænder for at formidle og organisere. Fra seksualundervisning i folkeskolen til projektet ”Spørg en læge om coronavirus” på Facebook, der fik Patientsikkerhedsprisen i 2020.

Dorthe is a medical doctor and health informatician with a PhD in user involvement and design of digital support.

Her competencies and commitment are grounded in the intersection between technology, innovation, and organization on one side, and a healthcare system with a strong professional culture and healthy everyday living on the other.

She is passionate about communication and organization. From reproductive health education in primary schools to the project “Ask a Doctor about Coronavirus” on Facebook, which won the Patient Safety Award in 2020.


  • 2014-2023 Ph.d. studerende hos Kræftens Bekæmpelse / PhD fellow at Danish Cancer Society
  • 2012-2013 Lægefaglig konsultent, FMK-projektet, IMT Reg. H / Medical Consultant, implementation of the Shared Medication Record, Capital Region
  • 2008-2012 Kliniske ansættelser som læge, blandt andet på Dr. Ingrids Hospital i Nuuk. Intro-stilling i Gynækolog og Obstetrik fra Hillerød Hospital./Clinical work as medical doctor at eg. Nuuk, Greenland, OBGYN Hillerød and more.
  • 2006-2023 Dataindsamling, såsom blodprøvetagning, interviews, fokusgrupper, observationer, workshops, undervisning, spørgeskema og andet epidemiologisk data over hele landet samt i Grønland. /Data collection such as blood sampling, interviews, focus groups, observations, workshops, questionnaires and other epidemiological data across the country and in Greenland.


  • 2023 Ph.d. afhandling: Characterization of men with a history of prostate cancer informing the co-creation of a concept of a digital service to support them in a healthy lifestyle.
    Består af et etnografisk samt et Participatory Design studie. Arbejdede primært med eSundhedskompetence, brugerinddragelse, co-creation og digitalt design. / Conducting an ethnographic study and a Participatory Design study, she worked mainly with eHealth Literacy, user involvement, co-creation, and digital design.
  • 2014 Cand.scient. Sundhed og IT, Københavns Universitet (DIKU og SUND) og DTU / MSc (Master of Science) in Health Informatics, University of Copenhagen and Danish Technical University
  • 2008, læge, Københavns Universitet / Medical Doctor, University of Copenhagen